
I am an Independent Consultant specialized in the applications of Machine Learning, and a lecturer at ETHZ.

While being rather polyvalent and actually coming from a theoritical background, I have a specific expertise with applying technology to large data coming from the Cultural Heritage domain.

I successfully defended my PhD thesis at the end of 2018. During these few years, I got the opportunity to be involved with (and often directly be responsible of) every step of a successful Digital Humanities project, from the raw scanned documents to the interaction with the end users, directly designing state-of-the-art Machine Learning based algorithms to enrich the Terabytes of initial data, or prototyping novel navigation methods (fancy demo here)

Since then, I have been working on multiple projects applying my technical expertise to make the visions of Digital Humanists become reality.

Some of my publications from my academic years are linked directly on the research page.

Feel free to contact me if you feel I could bring value to your project!

Past Events I attended